Posts Tagged ‘opportunities’



Our lives are a bit like cars; although, they have very similar purposes, each model is built just a bit different – unique to its Creator’s design.



A few things to ponder in the life & automobile comparison:

  1. A little maintenance and cleaning are needed periodically, inside and out, in order to maintain peak performance and style . Just like our cars, we need a ‘tune-up’ and a ‘wash’ every so often. The ‘road of life’ has a way of wearing us down and making us dirty. A vacation or intently spending time with those we love… a routine physical, exercise and a healthy diet are all great ways to keep our ‘engine’ running as efficiently and effectively as possible.
  1. Only let behind the wheel, someone who knows how to take us from where we are to where we need to go. Our lives have no shortage of opportunities to do something, go somewhere or be someone. We will surely tire-out trying to do everything, so the question is, ‘what do I choose?’ Who do you believe? The truth is – regardless of what people tell you, God alone knows the what, where, why and when. Yes, those around us may validate or confirm where God is wanting to lead us, but God should be the first place we go for answers. He should be the One behind the ‘wheel’.
  1. There is a reason every car has extra room for others. Likewise, life is about the people we allow into our ‘space’ and the relationships we build with them. This life would be quite meaningless (and boring) without others in it. We need people and they need us. There is no success, no achievement, no accomplishment we will ever do that doesn’t involve others in some form or fashion. One of the easiest and most effective ways to build healthy and positive relationships with others is to find out what’s important to them and offer to help them pursue their goals.
  1. Without a trustworthy GPS on a long journey, we can easily get lost. Likewise, we all have a ‘life GPS’ – something guiding our way. It may be money, success, career, God, pain, revenge, etc. Healthy or not, we all have something that is leading the way. This is why we must choose our ‘GPS’ carefully. It will always take us somewhere. It just may not be where we hoped we’d end up.

We are all going somewhere. Guaranteed, there is an ‘end of the road’ sometime in the future. The question is – will it be where you hoped you’d end up? Your dreams and goals are worth pursuing with intention, just make sure they are for the right reasons and the right ‘guidance system’ is piloting your journey.

‘I am sending an angel ahead of you, who will protect you as you travel. He will lead you to the place I have prepared. Pay attention to the angel and obey him.’ – Exodus 23:20-21


** Note: This Perspective post is part of my soon to be release, ‘The Doggy Bag Devotional‘ – a full year bible devotional for people like myself who can struggle with bible reading retention, understanding and life application.